Friday, March 12, 2010

Post from Lars Larson about federal employees paying their taxes

the following is from the webpage listed below.

Lars Larson: Federal employees not paying their taxes

by In the news Sunday, March 7. 2010

You know I’m not crazy about paying my taxes either, but if you’re working for the government you really ought to pay the IRS.

The story is kind of stunning. Hundreds and hundreds of people who work for the federal government simply haven’t paid their taxes. According to Politico, 447 House employees and 231 Senate workers didn’t pay their taxes in 2008.

That’s 2008. We’re going on two years since then and the total amount owed is $10 million. And, now the Democrats have pulled a bill that would have made all those people to either pay their taxes, come to some kind of settlement with the IRS, or lose their job in the government.

If you expect all of us private sector citizens to pay our taxes and support the government, then the very least you can do is to make sure that everyone working in the government, and especially in Congress, has to pay their taxes and pay them somewhat on time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OK, LETS SEE.... I just e-mailed my rep now. Wonder how long it will take for him to respond.

  3. for a government representative (at ANY level) to be behind in their taxes is INEXCUSABLE! Akin to TREASON. They should be thrown out of office AND made to pay taxes, interest AND PENALTIES! Just like you and me. If WE THE PEOPLE dont pay our taxes, JACK BOOTED THUGS come and take what little we have away from us! But if a government muckety muck dont pay their taxes, THEY DONT EVEN HAVE TO PAY A PENALTY?! THIS AINT THE AMERICA I FOUGHT FOR!

  4. COME ON! what do you guys think? TALK TO ME just so I dont think I'm the only one who is outraged by this.
