Friday, March 12, 2010


OK, let’s look at a few things here: Mainly, (right now) the concept of a “CAREER” in politics. The founders of this country were basically farmers. When the idea of our own government came up, they knew that SOMEONE had to “run the country” and that everyone would be looking at the founders and signers of the Declaration of Independence to show the people how it was to be done.

The founders looked upon working in politics as a necessary evil. They had to give over the running of their farms and businesses to someone else for the duration of their term in office. Let’s face it “jack of all trades master of none” meaning you can’t effectively run a farm/business and a country at the same time. So they GAVE UP their jobs (and their pay) to work for a GOVERNMENT PAYCHECK. This was a FRACTION of the pay they would have made at their trade! Ben Franklin even wanted government work to be done free of charge. Just a small per diem reimbursement. THAT would have been nice...THEY NEVER expected that the government they started would pay such ridiculous salaries and benefits! So they never even THOUGHT about term limits. THAT’S why there is no term limit written into The Constitution! They thought “You’d have to be crazy to want to spend more time in office than was absolutely expected of you.” Ah, crazy like a FOX.

Every rep in office is benefitting from the GREED and AVARICE of every rep that came before them. DOUBT IT? CHECK UP ON THE BENEFITS THEY GET! THEY DON’T PAY INTO SOCIAL SECURITY! They have their OWN SPECIAL social security. They get FULL PAY after they retire! They don’t EVER pay for ANY postage from the time they’re elected to the time they die! EVEN IF THEY’VE BEEN IMPEACHED AND REMOVED FROM OFFICE! There’s more, but I’ll post that later.

If you doubt what I’ve blogged here, take a few SECONDS and check it out yourself! MOST people have NO IDEA about the OBSCENE BENEFITS these people have voted for themselves!

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